The Moon - La lluna


This week a different and spontaneous LAB. We knew that on Saturday, March 19th 2011, the moon was closer than usual. At midnight we took our telescope (Pentaflex AZ2), the Canon 7D and started to film and take pictures.

We didn't have any adaptor for the camera, so we were experimenting to film directly without lens, introducing the camera into the telescope's magnifying glass. We also used a reversed 50mm lens.

Even though the strong wind “tramuntana” and that we had to hold the telescope with the hand, the results are interesting.

We have integrated NASA footage from 1969 when the man reached the moon.

Canon 7D, without lens and with a reversed 50mm lens. 
"Shade of the moon" by Sackjo22
Concept, filmed y edited by Vicenç Asensio 
Landing on the moon: NASA stock footage

