Transformation_an allegory to elBulli


This week's Visual13LAB's film is an allegory to the transformation of elBulli in a foundation: elBulliFoundation.

We worked with three natural elements: granite, cork and lichen, collected this morning during a walk in the Natural Park Cap de Creus (Costa Brava).
In this allegory: 
-the granite is a synonym of the solid structures of elBulli.
-the cork represents their information networks, characterized with the flexibility and the capacity of absortion. 
-the liquen is the most creative aspect, also related with the sustainability and the integration into the nature, ideas that Ferran and Ruiz-Geli emphasized many times this week.

In this film we aimed at showing the changes, the concerns, the movements, the transformations... that elBulli will start to experiment this year 2011.

“Transformation” is our tribute to all the elBulli team, and specially to our friend Ferran Adrià.

Canon 7D, 50mm lens 
Music "Sooner or later" by Geertveneklaas 
Concept, filmed and edited by Vicenç Asensio
