Porcelain Girl (Pau Riba)

Northern Cellos & Caïm Riba

 Videoclip of the song "Noia de porcellana" (Porcelain Girl) by Pau Riba, covered by the Northern Cellos and performed with Caïm Riba. 


Music and lyrics: "Noia de Porcellana" Pau Riba
Interpretation: Northern Cellos
Voice: Caïm Riba
Arrangement: Pol Farell
Gravació musical: Estudis Santa Pau
Mastering: Anton Llonch i Abdon Compte
Film: Filming in the Auditorium of the Ateneo de Banyoles
Direction: Vicenç Asensio
Assistant direction: Nil Llavanera
Auditorium lighting: Marc Paneque i Jose Montilla "gitano"
Production: Marta Puigsegur
Credits: Hèctor Prado
