Release campaign Aigua de Vilajuïga

Aigua de Vilajuïga

We have produced the video of the launch campaign of Aigua de Vilajuïga, which with the purchase by the multinational Grifols, springs up again and is commercialized again. It is a fiction short film, accompanied by four ads, for the brand's online campaign.


Directed by: Vicenç Asensio
Agency: Larsson-Duprez
Production: Àlex Vicente, Marta Puigsegur
Locations jeep traject: Josep Maria Dacosta
Camera assistant: Eudald Rovira
Styling: Anna Rosillo
Edition: Vicenç Asensio
Motion graphics: Hèctor Prado
Home Economist: Eva Olivares
Actors: Josep Pujadas, Laura Sánchez, Marc Mittenhoff, Joan Alarcón, Albert Casanovas, Jaume Parés, Raul Tortosa, Manel Compte, Francina Compte, Guiu Colls, Elisena Mallol, Marta Corcoll, Rosor Parés, Joan Sabaté i David Planas.
