Aigua de Vilajuïga documentary

Aigua de Vilajuïga

We have produced a documentary short film for the new stage of Agua de Vilajuïga, which by the hand of Grifols, is reborn and commercialized again. The documentary is accompanied by a collection of 12 capsules for social networks Facebook and Instagram, which will reveal anecdotes and parts of the history of this centennial company.



Directed by: Vicenç Asensio
Script: Joan Manel Soldevilla, Mercè Cuartiella, Marta Puigsegur
Historiador: Joan Serra
Production: Joan Serra, Marta Puigsegur
Agency: Larsson-Duprez
Camera assistant: Eudald Rovira
Edition: Vicenç Asensio
Motion graphics: Hector Prado